Attar also known as “Ittar” a perfume oil that is derived from natural botanical sources such as flowers, herbs, spices and woods.  Attar has been used for centuries for its therapeutic and fragrant properties.

The 5 benefits of attar are:

  1. Attar is made from natural ingredients which makes it long lasting.
  • Attar  is used for Aroma therapy to relieve stress, it is calming and relaxing.  Rose attar is known for its calming and uplifting effects on a person’s mood
  • Attar is often used for skincare as it contains natural ingredients.  It can nourish and hydrate the skin.  Sandalwood and jasmine based attars are often used as anti inflammatory. To soothe skin that feels irritated.
  • Attar is also known to be used for hair care as it nourishes and strengthens the texture of the hair.  It can also promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.
  • Attar for centuries is known to be used for spiritual rituals.  It is known to be spiritual and has a purifying effect on the mind and soul.

Attar is popularly used during Muslim festivals e.g. Eid Al-Fitr, Eid al Azha, and during Friday prayers, because of its spiritual effect.

Ayaadh by Nasreen  Zamir recently launched is a halal attar and available online

Visit  –  www.ayaadh.com

Call: +88-01763999141 / +88-01314447797